Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Thankfully some common sense

Peter Thomson, (radio national counterpoint 24th august http://www.abc.net.au/rn/counterpoint/stories/2009/2662064.htm ) summarizes the situation in Fiji perfectly. The real danger here in Fiji is neglect from the Australian and New Zealand governments and the lack of high level dialogue between the respective governments. What does Kevin Rudd and John Key not understand about that? Will they ever see past grandstanding about restoring a democracy that has a proven track record of failure since 1987?. Or do they engage with the head of government here, speed the process up and contribute to the dialogue of change. Think of this as one example; how would Kevin Rudd and John Key react to an internal political situation that has the church organizing its followers, on a grand scale, to what effectively bias's the voting system? This undivided political landscape of church and state Australians would not tolerate and neither should Fijians. It would not happen in Australia, for one there is not enough followers of any particular church and secondly our education system and media is vast and more sophisticated. In Fiji it’s different. Generations of rote learning at school and the heritage of church missionary's has left a tradition of Oligarchy. Added to that the relatively elite Chiefly families ruling by decree, means an entirely different agenda to anything that Rudd or key have talked about is required to be put on the table.

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